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A new tool to measure yeast efficacy in dairy cows

Yeast supplementation is a common practice to improve the efficiency of feed utilization and performance in dairy cows. It is well-known that supplements containing live yeast can improve rumen fermentation and the digestive process by stabilizing rumen pH and stimulating the growth of beneficial microbial populations.

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6 tips for calf scours prevention

The hustle and bustle of spring calving is quickly approaching, and now is the time for cow/calf producers to begin planning their calving management strategies. Making time to do the proper planning prior to the start of calving can improve overall animal welfare and can save producers both time and energy.

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Observe body condition score at calving — and before

Calving season is gametime for a cow herd, and producers want to make sure that their cows are in peak condition prior to kick-off. The best way to measure the condition of your cow herd is by utilizing body condition scores (BCS). As the name suggests, a BCS is an estimate of a cow’s condition or the amount of fat they are carrying.

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COVID-19, a grave shadow over poultry and feed market

On one side the corona virus (COVID-19) outbreak has already slumped down the global economy, livestock and poultry industry has been suffering huge losses yet increasing over time. Amongst all, the Indian poultry market, which is valued over 90,000 crores has plummeted the most, resulting in more than 30% fall in the sector; which is also reported to affect 4 million employs of the country directly or indirectly.

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Receiving your stocker or feedlot cattle with ease

The receiving period can be a stressful time for cattle. Recently, during the Alltech ONE Ideas Conference, Dr. Carlo Sgoifo Rossi gave a presentation titled “Receiving With Ease: Minimizing Stress During the Adaptation Phase.” Dr. Sgoifo Rossi is currently an associate professor in the department of veterinary science and technology for food safety at the State University of Milan.

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Risk Factors Associated with Respiratory System in Poultry

Respiratory diseases have long been subject of extensive research due to its economic significance. Infection with these pathogens causes severe economic loss due to mortality, carcass condemnation, and reduction in the egg production, hatchability, feed efficiency and weight gain. In order to address these problems a variety of strategies has been used in the poultry industry including biosecurity, vaccination and antimicrobial therapy.